The first Triple A, dynamic, sustainable ROI platform.

Anti-Drain, Anti-Whale, Anti-Inflation

What Makes ShareLock Different?

Why do most (later) investors in "Miners" and "ROI" platforms typically never profit?

1. Inflation (invest once, compound to infinity) 2. Whales (Largest early investors reap the majority of returns) | 3. Drain (All players can withdraw every day, without limits). ShareLock brings the solution.

Our Values

What We Stand For


We believe that trust is the biggest component to success. We see rugpulls and scams every day, and we have continuously proven ourselves to be ethical, giving, and caring towards our community, with over $100,000 USD given back to our community through previous projects Rug Insurance Fund.


Blockchain is capable of inifinite possibilities. We are always watching different sectors of crypto to see where we can adapt and improve upon ideas, and perfect them in our own way.


Our team is dedicated to not only internally building & creating new, innovative ideas to add to our ecosystem, but listening to our community, treating their opinions, ideas, and values with respect and authenticity.


Our Unique, In-House Mechanics




Daily Lottery

Dynamic ROI


Our Unique, In-House Mechanics

Noone wants to invest into a platform, having to worry about the TVL dropping 99% the next day, getting nothing in return.

Long Term Sustainability

We've created our own, unique Anti-Drain mechanism, that takes into account the TVL/Total Number Of Players, so rewards will stop building once this limit is reached, and players will have to withdraw their rewards (after the 7 day timer is up), or add fresh capital to continue piling up rewards.

Innovative Approach

For example: If there is 100 players and the TVL is 100,000, then the bucket threshold will be 1000. A $10,000 deposit will earn $200 per day, then after 5 days, the bucket will be full ($1000 in your rewards), assuming share value of $1, and you will need to withdraw when the withdraw timer ends.

Typically, whales are the ones who profit the most when entering into any high risk ROI/Miner projects. They aren't always a bad thing, but when the minnows are left holding the bag, it usually leaves them dissapointed and unhappy.

Limitations Are Key

Combined with our unique Anti-Drain mechanic, we have also implemented limitations, as to keep the ROI in balance with our mechanics, and everyone can continue earning at the highest rate.

Limitation Within Reason

Since our Anti-Drain takes into account TVL/Number Of Players, in order for higher deposits to continue piling rewards/maximizing daily returns without hitting a wall, we have added this Anti-Whale feature. As TVL and Players grow, so will our Anti-Drain limitations, allowing for higher deposits to earn more over time.

We have seen, historically, that inflation is the key issue to all passive income protocols. Invest once, and compound to infinity.

Solving Inflation

If I sold you a tomato for $2, and you are a happy customer, you would typically return for more, helping support the success of my business. If I sold you a tomato, and you went home and planted it's seeds, growing dozens of your own, then I would go out of business. You only need to buy once to create millions of your own tomatoes over time. To solve this issue, it's imperative to create limits. Create a delicious tomato, and remove the seeds. Returning customers are key to sucess. We have implemented a Max Payout feature, whereby once you hit this limit, your position is burned and you are out of the game. This, in turn, increases the value of shares for all the remaining players, boosting rewards.

Key Components To Sustainability

NO Native Token

To avoid any possibility of a Pump/Dump, we utilize BUSD as our token of choice. Zero pump. Zero dump.

Building Utilities & Services

The key component to Sustainability is bringing value. Building utilities, our first being the Low Entry Lottery, and offering Services. One service we plan to offer is Incubation. ShareLock is built in-house, from the ground up. NO forked code. It can be incubated for your very own use, with your own token, max payout, returns, etc.

Dynamic ROI

Where projects fail, is offering static APR. No project can offer any guarantee of a static number of returns, long term. We offer dynamic rate of returns, based on the price of "shares". Returns can be much lower, or much higher, based on demand.


Building a company from zero is, notoriously, one of the most difficuly processes to take on. A huge benefit to partnerships, is not only the transfer of existing success/customers of other platforms, but the knowledge, experience, and growth potential of their teams.


The crypto market moves at a million miles an hour. 1 day is like a month in crypto. It is key to assess the dynamic shifts in the market at any given moment, and adapt to them. Sticking to one core model, never adapting or growing into more over time, will be the ultimate demise of any protocol.


In the blockchain space, it is typical to see a million clones of a project once it has any inkling of global success. Typically, these don't last long term. The projects that bring something new, innovative and exciting to the space, are what attract the most investors over time. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Just make it better.


Frequently Asked Questions

You will receive daily shares up to 2% from your initial investment. When you compound the shares, it will add into your Growing Capital that will generate bigger shares for you. The Growing Capital is capped at 2x of your investment. Your fund will stop growing when you have reached max payout, ie: your accumulated withdrawal has reached 200% from your investment.

  • Min deposit is $50 BUSD
  • Max single deposit is $1,000 BUSD
  • Max deposit per wallet is $10,000 BUSD
  • Available to withdraw (shares bucket) has a max limit at certain threshold, and once it's full you need to withdraw it so that you have space to earn the remaining shares.
  • Max threshold of shares bucket is ratio of TVL / numbers of players. You'll get notified when it's full so that you can choose any options below:
    • Withdraw it whenever your 7-days lock timer ends.
    • Add new investment so that it will be compounded automatically and giving new space to receive shares.

We incorporate a unique anti drain system, which takes into account the total number of TVL/Players, so your rewards will stop accruing once this number is reached, and you will have to withdraw your rewards or add new capital to continue earning. For example: If there is 100 players and the TVL is 100,000, then the bucket threshold will be 1000. A $10,000 deposit will earn $200 per day, then after 5 days, the bucket will be full ($1000 in your rewards), assuming share value of $1, and you will need to withdraw when the withdraw timer ends.

  • There is 10% deposit and withdraw tax, but you are rewarded based on the full value of your deposit. (ie: you will get $100 capital for $100 deposit, regardless the tax being imposed when you make deposit). If you withdraw $100 of rewards, you will get $90.
  • Fee Allocation = 3% for treasury, 5% for dev fee, 2% for lottery pot.

That is a special day when people can enjoy 10% discount for making deposit (eg: Deposit 50 BUSD will be credited into your account as 55 BUSD capital). Discount Day happens every 14 days, and there is countdown timer available on website.

No, you cannot withdraw it. Your deposit is locked and you can only withdraw the shares.